Food prices go up after onion, potatoes

Mumbai, Ta. December 26, 2019, Thursday

With the record-breaking boom ahead of the Mumbai oil-seeds market today, new highs have been seen amid a new spurt in edible oils, especially palmetl. After the high prices of onions and potatoes, it is now time for consumers to pay higher prices for edible oils as well. In the futures market of Palmetal, the boom circuit was implemented.

World market news was booming. In Malaysia today, Palmet's futures were finally closed at 5, 6, 6 and 5 points plus news of a palm product jumping from $ 1.8 to $ 8. Growing up in Malaysia, forecasters were now showing the possibility of a boom in US markets.

Meanwhile, in Mumbai market today, the price of 6 kg of paltal was up by Rs. 6 per liter while the price of JNPT remained at Rs. Direct delivery trades of various refineries were significant trades at prices ranging from Rs 1 to 3 for January 5 to 7.

Today, direct delivery of hawala-resellers and refineries together with about 5 to 5 tonnes of trades has been made, market analysts said. Late in the evening the direct delivery prices of the refineries were talking as high as Rs. In the CPO futures, the boom circuit was implemented today. Meanwhile, soyatel futures prices were trading at Rs.

Meanwhile, in the market today, the price of the 5 kg in Soyatl was called Rs. 5, while Riffa 1 was called, while Sunflower prices were raised by Rs. 1 and Riffa was Rs. Mustard prices went up by Rs. 1 while cottonseed by Rs. Singtel prices were hiked by 5 kg to Rs 5 while Rajkot side was reported to be priced at Rs 5 to Rs 5 and Rs 5 per kg. There, the price of cotton washed was increasing from Rs.

Meanwhile, in the market today, the price of Diwali was Rs. 7 while the price of castor in Mumbai today was Rs. Meanwhile, domestic soybean arrivals today were about one and a half times more than the nationwide draw, with Madhya Pradesh coming in at around 3,000 times and there were reports of prices ranging from Rs.

Groundnut arrivals in the morning today were reported at Gondal side at around 3 thousand times and Rajkot side at around 3 thousand times and the present prices of groundnut were 5 to 6 kg of jute.


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