
Showing posts from February, 2020

Production activity peaked in China in February

Beijing, Ta. February 29 - Saturday Production activity in China declined at a record pace in February, indicating how much damage China's manufacturing sector has suffered due to the coronavirus. China's Manufacturing Managers' Index (PMI) index, which was 5.1 points in January, fell to a record-high 5.1 in February, according to a report. Points below 1 are called contractions in that area. However, analysts were expecting February's PMI to be 5.1. China's February production area estimates how the virus affected the coronavirus, the world's second largest economy. The impact of the Chinese economy on the trade war with the United States in the past has been exacerbated by the virus. In China, economic activities have stalled due to public health measures and control of transportation. China's economy is projected to hit a major blow in the first quarter of the current year, and this will force Chinese authorities to announce more economic concessions

Gold - Silver shocks severe recession: global gold under $ 1600

(Gujarat News Office) Mumbai, Ta. February 29 - Saturday Bullion Bazaar was officially closed on Saturday following a shutdown in the Mumbai jewelery market. However, gold and silver prices fell sharply behind the closed market. Bullion market players were stunned when the global market closed Friday for $ 5 to $ 5 a barrel, following a sharp fall of $ 5 to $ 5 a barrel on Friday night. In the global market, silver was also trading at $ 1.8 to $ 1.8 on the weekend. The imports of precious metals fell sharply as the global market plummeted, leading to widespread selling of gold and silver in the Mumbai market today. Prices dropped sharply as new demand fluctuated. According to the buzzword in the world market today, the debate was heard about China selling gold and buying stocks. Given that US stock markets bounced back after a tumultuous Friday night, China has begun buying gold selling stocks. Such a debate was being heard in the world market today. The impact of the rise in crud

Telecom companies have to wait for relief in the context of AGR

New delhi date. February 29 - Saturday The Rs 3.5 trillion license fee and spectrum charges associated with Adjusted Gross Revenue (AGR) are making it difficult for the government to decide on an inadequate data relief package in the country's telecom sector. The matter is becoming more complicated for the government due to inconsistencies in the AGR data The meeting of the Digital Communications Commission (DCC) on Friday could not take any decision on the issue of data. The meeting was expected to announce relief measures for the telecom sector. Due to inconsistencies in the data, it is difficult for the commission to calculate the AGR, sources in the department of telecommunications said. The Commission had decided not to say anything about what kind of discussion was taking place in its meeting. More information is needed to compare AGR data. The commission's next meeting is expected to be shortly. Vodafone - Idea has demanded an extension of the payment period, sayin

Demand for Indian peanuts from China has taken a break

Mumbai, Ta. February 29 - Saturday After two months of rapid growth, India's export of peanuts to China has stalled. Shipping from China has stopped due to the outbreak of coronavirus. According to data compiled by the Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (AUPDA), India's peanut exports during April-December stood at 6 per cent on a year-over-year basis, while the percentage was 8.5 per cent in value. Peanut exports during the period last year stood at 8 tonnes as compared to 6 tonnes in April-December 1. In terms of value, the figure increased to $ 8 million against the $ 8 million mark. Most of the growth occurred in November and December only in the first nine months of the year. India's peanut demand from China increased due to the supply woes caused by the trade war with the United States. India's peanut exports during April-October period stood at 2 lakh tonnes. But with the sudden demand from China, India's exports to Ch

Decrease in the import duty of imported foodstuffs

Mumbai, Ta. February 29 - Saturday The decline in prices of imported edible oils in the Mumbai oil-seeds market today led to a decline in prices. There was new demand. The world market was soft. The world market was selling back home. In the edible oils, the singletons remained calm while Kapasia oil prices remained soft behind Saurashtra. Chicago soybean futures in the United States were reported to have broken overnight by 5 points. The soybean futures there were 5 to 5 points soft at night while soybean futures increased 5 to 5 points at night. Meanwhile, New York Cotton futures were the news of the overnight 5 point trough. Meanwhile, Malaysian markets behind the US were aware of Monday's possibility of a soft opening. China's deadly virus is spreading to various countries of the world and the global market is hit by crude oil prices, followed by food prices in the world market, analysts said. In the spot market in Mumbai today, the price of 5 kg of Havla resale at Pawt

In the new week, the Sensex will see a flurry of between 38666 and 37966

(Gujarat News Representative) Mumbai, Ta. February 29 - Saturday The global economy is shaking in the wake of the Corona virus, and with many countries struggling with the virus, global markets have been the worst since last week. With the virus inflating the global stock market, the international markets for crude oil broke down amid a global recession, with Brent plummeting below the $ 1 level and Brent $ 1.8 billion. The bottom has come. Continued erosion in the US stock markets continued on the weekends, with the Dow Jones breaking 5 points and erosion in European markets. Among the rising cases of Corona virus, Indian stock markets also lost 5 points in five trading days last week, leaving investors with more than Rs 1 lakh crore in assets. This huge correction in stocks is likely to continue in the coming weeks amid a backlash. So caution will be necessary despite any reflexive fluctuations in the index base. In fact, 'Corona' had just arrived on a budget day ...! So t

Corona crypt drowns Rs 31 lakh crore in 7 days

New Delhi, 29 February 2020 Saturday Following the coronavirus health sector, the worldwide equity market has also started to wrap up. Corona's hoof has seen massive sales in almost all the stock markets around the world, including India. Billionaires from all over the world are facing huge losses due to heavy selling in the market. According to a Bloomberg report, the wealth of the top 500 billionaires in the whole world has been declining by about $ 444 billion (about Rs 31.52 lakh crore) in seven days. Analysts believe that this is the first time since the financial crisis in 2008, in which the stock market has fallen downside down. According to one estimate, around 6 lakh crore sank in the worldwide market during the 2008 financial crisis. About $ 6 million was drowned in stock markets around the world. Top 3 billionaires sink $ 30 billion During the first two months of this year, the total wealth of the top 500 richest people in the world increased by $ 78 billion (about

Sensex lost 1448 points to 38297

(Gujarat News Representative) Mumbai, Ta. 28 February 2020, Friday Corona virus is now spreading rapidly from China to worldwide, with many pandemic in Asia, Europe, America, and global markets emerging from this epidemic are beginning to collapse in the core of Corona. Corona virus was reported in South Korea on Friday with 3 new cases, with a total of more than 3 positive cases, and the virus has now returned to the United States and California has registered several suspected cases and Japan has registered more positive cases, with South Korea announcing the virus. The case was registered in New Zealand, Lithuania as well as yesterday The epidemic of positive cases in Greece on the rope spread to the world, causing it to become the biggest concern for the global economy, and this week was the worst since the global stock markets. European markets also fell sharply in the Asian markets from the beginning, with the US stock markets crashing 5.1 points in the Dow Jones yesterday, and

The 11-year record was also broken when the world market price plummeted

Mumbai, Ta. 28 February 2020, Friday The prices of various imported edible oils in the Mumbai oil-seeds market today moved upward behind the world market. There was a new demand wing, and behind the world market, there was a situation of more and less of those who were selling in declining markets. Globally, there were reports of a deadly virus spreading to various countries outside China and falling behind as crude oil prices plummeted, leaving behind food prices in the world market. In Malaysia today, Palmet's futures closed higher, finally falling 5, 6, 6 and 3 points, while the prices of palm products fell further by $ 1.8 to $ 8 today. According to world market analysts, the biggest drop in weekly sales in the world market this week was the biggest decline in past eight years. This week, the global market has seen a spike in oil prices by around 2 to 5 percent. Palmet's exports from Malaysia have declined. There the production has increased. In the two months since Jan

In silver, Rs. 1500 Bracelets: Crude puffs at the bottom of 13 months

(Gujarat News Office) Mumbai, Ta. 28 February 2020, Friday In the jewelery market of Mumbai today, gold and silver prices were falling behind the world market. Especially in silver, the price was higher. The players were stunned when the silver price fell by Rs. The retreat was also visible in gold. Gold, silver and gold prices were reported in the Viswa market. Platinum, palladium, and copper also tumble: Rupee falls sharply against the dollar, the pound and the euro in the stock market crash. According to world market analysts, when in fact the stock market has been amid the panic of China's deadly virus globally, players expected that gold prices would rise as stocks plummeted. However, today the assumption was wrong and today the players were shocked as gold prices broke in the world market. Gold prices in the global market, which was called higher from $ 5 to $ 5 on Thursday, were reported to be at a low of $ 1.8 today. Gold prices were affected by the fall in crude oil p

Global growth projections are likely to decline further as the impact of the corona virus prevails

New delhi date. 28 February 2020, Friday The deadly coronary virus in China has entered the stage of consolidation, with fears of a global economy slowing down in a global panic that has spread to more than five countries in the world. Following the outcry of the Corona virus, widespread fear of economic implications in countries around the world has swept global markets and led to a sell out. Until last week, global financial markets were convinced that the corona would not have a strong impact on corporate profits and economic growth. That's why S&P 5 showed its highest peak last week. However, in the counting sessions, S&P has fallen by about 5% from its peak and bond yields have begun to decline. Which suggests that markets are seeing a slowdown in the global economy. In this case, the USFED cut the reserve rate, citing data, adding that the International Monetary Fund's calendar year had a global growth rate of 8.5%. However, this will now see a significant red

- Indian businessmen, including Ambani, Tata and Adani, suffered a severe erosion in their wealth.

Mumbai, Ta. 28 February 2020, Friday Coronavirus has caused a sharp erosion in some of India's top industrialists' wealth following a crackdown on foreign exchange markets. According to the information received, Reliance Industries Chairman Mukesh Ambani's property has lost $ 5 billion. According to the Bloomberg Billionaire Index, the wealth of IT sector leader Azim Premji fell by $ 8 million, while industrialist Gautam Adani lost $ 8 million. Apart from this, Uday Kotak and Sun Pharma's Dilip Sanghvi also suffered huge losses. His company's stock price has fluctuated drastically. This decrease in wealth has been observed in the last 7 days. This erosion has resulted in a tremendous uptick in Indian stock markets. Indian stock markets have come under the influence of coronavirus since February 7, and the Sensex has lost more than 5 points. Due to the coronavirus, the improvement seen in Indian stock exchanges 1 has been completely washed away. Apart from Reli

The worst week for the global markets since the 2008 crisis

Mumbai, Ta. 28 February 2020, Friday The week ending has been the worst week since the financial crisis of 7 for the world's stock markets, including India. Stock markets indexes have swelled in the past week due to fears of a proposed coronavirus' global impact on the global economy. Global investor capital is also estimated at more than $ 3 trillion. The epidemic that began in China will last a few months and hope that economic activity will resume. The number of new patients is increasing in many countries around the world. The coronavirus now looks like a deadly epidemic. If the market looks to the edge, it can meet any major risk, but at present nothing is seen and no matter how serious the epidemic may be, one Morgan Stanley Securities strategist said. The all-country world index MSCI, which declined by 5.7 percent in November, has seen the highest decline since the end of the current week. Whether it's the S&P of America or the Nikkei Index of Japan or China

Banks will be closed for 8 consecutive days in March

New Delhi, 28 February 2020 Saturday If you have any work connected with the bank, complete it as soon as the bank can be closed for 8 consecutive days in March. The bank may be closed for 8 consecutive days due to Holi festival holidays and proposed strike by bank employees in March. So bank employees can go on strike ... The date is Sunday holidays on March 8 and Holi on March 9 and 10. Bank employees can go on strike on March 11, 12 and 13. If the bank employees go on strike, then there is 6 consecutive days of leave, while March 14 is the second Saturday of the month and Sunday of March 15 is Sunday. The bank may be closed for 8 consecutive days because of this. Bank employees have been demanding All public sector bank employees will be on 3-day strike from March 11 to 13 if their demands are not met. These bank employees demand that celery be revived every 5 years. Apart from this, the bank union also demands that leave be given two days a week. In addition, the bank unio

Some relief to the government on the economic front, GDP increased to 4.7%

New delhi date. 28 February 2020, Friday The Modi government, which has been facing criticism due to sluggishness on the economic front, has received a slight relief. GDP figures have improved. These weekly figures are in the third quarter of the financial year 2019-20. Current statistics show that the country's GDP growth rate has improved to 4.7% in the December quarter. In addition, the GDP growth rate for the first quarter of 2019-20 has been revised to 5.6% and for the second quarter to 5.1%. Growth rates have declined if research has been observed since. If we look at the figures for the past 6 quarters, the GDP growth rate has steadily declined. Growth rate was at 8% in the first quarter of the financial year 2018-19 and fell to 7% in the second quarter. Similarly, GDP growth in the third quarter stood at 6.6% and in the fourth quarter at 5.8%. In the fiscal year 2019-20, GDP growth rate fell to 5% in the first quarter. While in the second quarter it was at 4.5%. I

Corona virus affected, $ 5 billion erosion of country's richest Mukesh Ambani

Mumbai, 28 February 2020 Saturday Although Coronavirus has not yet entered India, its effects have been widely seen in the country's stock market. Mukesh Ambani's valuation of the country's richest man Mukesh Ambani has dropped $ 5 billion due to corona virus. Reliance's stock has also not been excluded from the steady decline in the stock market over the past few days. The stock market has been experiencing strong erosion over the past few days following the Coronavirus flutter. Shares of various companies have also seen a good erosion in the fortunes of India's top wealthiest. Kumar Mangalam Birla's wealth has also fallen by about $ 884 million after Mukesh Ambani in the last two months. While IT tycoon Azim Premji also lost $ 869 million, Gautam Adani lost $ 496 million. Uday Kotak of Kotak Mahindra Bank and Dilip Sanghvi of Sun Pharma are also among the biggest losers. The shares of the company of the two billionaires have also fared well in the last tw

The job class can take a big hit! Interest on PF can fall, Learn how to reduce interest rates

New Delhi, 28 February 2020 Saturday The job class can be a big shock. The Employees Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) is looking to reduce interest rates on the Provident Fund (PF). EPFO can reduce interest rates on PF deposits by 15 basis points to 0.15 percent to 8.50 percent for the fiscal year 2020. In fiscal 2019, the interest rate was 8.65%. PF is a great medium of security for the working class and will have a direct impact on interest rates. EPFO earnings from Long Term Fixed Deposit Bonds (FDs) and government securities have dropped EPFO ​​by 50-80 basis points in the last year, according to a media report. So it can be difficult to keep up with interest rates this year. The EPFO ​​has trapped Rs 4,500 crore in these two companies EPFO has invested around Rs 4,500 crore in two non-banking financial institutions (NBFCs). These include Dewan Housing Finance (DHFL) and Infrastructure Leasing and Financial Services (IL & amp; FS). It is difficult to get immediate re

Corona's cryptocurrency hits $ 250 billion global economy

Mumbai, 28 February 2020 Saturday The deadly corona virus spread from China is currently frightening the entire world and is causing huge economic damage to the lives of the people. Industrial outbreak PHDCCI said on Thursday that the outbreak of the Corona virus would reduce global growth rates by 30 basis points (0.3 percent), which, if calculated, could lead to a $ 250 billion loss to the entire global economy. PHDCCI President D.K. Agarwal said that disruptions in the global supply chain will not only affect China's exports but also affect the export functioning of the importing countries because the goods they export are a major part of China's raw material or intermediary goods. "At present, we need to encourage our domestic consumption demand and domestic capabilities to reduce the potential impact of the corona virus on global trade," Agarwal said. Sectors such as pharmaceutical, solar, iron and steel are facing difficulties in supplying raw material to

Dow Jones: Historic 1190-point bust, rupees 11 lakh crore rupees in six days

Ahmedabad. 28 February 2020, Friday The Indian stockmarket was also disrupted for the sixth consecutive session after an earthquake in the foreign market due to corona care. The benchmark index also saw a rise of 2.80% by mid-morning. In the midst of the outbreak of the Corona virus, the world market is facing downward sloping wires. The American index of Dow Jones has hit a chord yesterday. Dow Jones was down 1190 points, or 4.4 percent, the largest single day in the history of the US stock market. The other index S&P 500 also closed at 2978.76, down 4.47%, down 137.63 points. In addition, Nasdaq also lost 414.31 points, down 4.61 percent. All three American indices have now seen the biggest sell-off since the economic depression of 2008. Heavy erosion of the American stock market has also led to a sharp decline in the market cap of gigantic technology companies like Google and Microsoft. The brooder market is seeing worse. The BSE midcap and smallcap index are up more than 3

Corona virus scares stock market, Sensex gains 1200 points

Mumbai, Ta: 28 Feb 2020 Friday China's corona virus has affected the Indian stock market as well as the economy around the world. The market opened at 1200 points on Friday morning. In the counting minutes, 4,00,000 crore rupees were drowned. This was the biggest brawl since October 17th of last year. The Sensex lost 1044.17 points, or 2.63 percent. The Nifty was down 312, or 2.68 percent. The Corona virus created an atmosphere of fear around the world. The impact of 900 points in the Dow Jones on Thursday was reflected in the Indian stock market on Friday. Asian markets tighten on New York stock market On February 27, 1191 points hit a frenzy in the New York stock market. Which is the fourth largest bracelet in history. On the other hand, Nasdaq was broken 414 points. Following these reports, Asian markets are eroding. Singapore Nifty recorded 370 points, Japan's Nikkei Index recorded 805 points, Hong Kong 756 points, Indonesia 283, Singapore 93, Taiwan 141, China 87,

Nifty dropped 45 points to 11633

(Gujarat News Representative) Mumbai, Ta. 27 February 2020, Thursday Corona virus originating from China is widespread around the world, with positive cases reported in six countries including Japan, South Korea, Iran, the Middle East, Greece, Thailand, and now Japan's decision to close schools in Europe, preventing the spread of the virus. The global stock market is seeing a steady erosion today as the economy is in turmoil I said. With the softening of the global markets, the economic downturn is also rising, with the rise of violence in New Delhi and the rise of the downturn in various industries as funds have ended the February trend in Indian stock markets. Of course, over the past few days, over-sold positions have seen a larger decline than the big cover, after funds created a relentlessly large short position by the big players in the recession. In the wake of the global recession, international prices of crude oil were also steadily falling. IT-Software Services, Realty,

Palmetto boom in the world market

Mumbai, Ta. 27 February 2020, Thursday After the decline in the futures market in the Mumbai oil-seeds market today, directives were coming in the evening after shocks were recovered. World market news shows a refreshing improvement over declining prices. After the futures plummeted in Malaysia, prices rose again last evening, closing at 1,3,3 and 5 points plus. While there, the prices of the palm product were raised by five to ten dollars. Were. There were reports that the government had decided to provide stimulus to protect and back the economy from corona virus. Following this, prices of palm oil rose sharply in the afternoon, market analysts said. Meanwhile, there were reports that the government had decided to provide about $ 5.5 billion in small businesses and businesses affected by the virus. Meanwhile, in the spot market in Mumbai today, there was 2 kg of Bhava Palmetel hawala resale and Rs 5 of JNPT. The refinery direct delivery business today has grown to around 5-7 tonne

Portal with reference to price of onion, potato, tomato

New delhi date. 27 February 2020, Thursday The government has launched a special portal to develop an early warning system for onion, potato and tomato prices, which will announce the wholesale price estimates for the next three months of all three important agricultural commodities. In the case of welfare of these commodities, the portal will alert the government to take appropriate steps before the price breaks, ”Minister for Food Processing Harsimrat Kaur Badal said. The portal will provide support to the government in providing subsidy to the farmers for consolidating goods and transporting them from the over-flooded area to the consumption point based on the signal received from the portal. These portals will alert the government at the time of the harvest when these commodities prices fall below three years or fall more than fifty percent annually or fall below the benchmark price set by the government so that the government can intervene in time.

Reduced funds in the world market have re-entered the fund

(Gujarat News Office) Mumbai, Ta. 27 February 2020, Thursday Mumbai jewelery market was buzzing again after rising prices in the beginning. World market news showed fluctuations in precious metals. On the domestic front, the dollar and the British pound sank against the rupee in the currency market today, when euro prices were hit. In the global market, gold prices closed higher at $ 5 in the evening, while today's high of $ 0.5. On the domestic front, the dollar in the currency market today fell by Rs 1.8 to the 5.7 porter high while the lowest price was at Rs. The dollar was down 5 paise today, while the British pound fell 5 paise to close at Rs. The British Prime Minister was shocked to hear of a British pound breaking into the world market today over the Brexit question. Meanwhile, gold prices in the Mumbai jewelery market today closed at Rs 5, down from Rs 5 per 5 grams without GST. While the price of 5 was closed at Rs 5, it was closed at Rs. However, with GST, prices wer

Investors now have to pay Rs. SEBI approves for direct investment through stock exchanges in funds

Mumbai, Ta. 27 February 2020, Thursday Investors will soon be able to invest in mutual funds directly through stock markets. Investors will no longer need the help of their distributors or Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs). The Securities and Exchange Board of India, the regulator of the capital markets, has asked the stock exchanges-stock exchanges to allow the purchase and sale of mutual funds directly to investors on their platforms. With this decision of SEBI, SEBI has confirmed the competition with Mutual Fund Utility (MFU), the official platform of the mutual fund industry, introduced by mutual funds through the Association of Mutual Funds of India (Amphi) in Year 7. This allows investors to invest in mutual funds through direct plans of mutual funds with the direct use of MFUs. BSE Star MF (BSE Ltd) and NMF to J Direct Plans offer share market platforms. But there were some limitations, in which direct plans were available on the stock markets to investors who invested i

Negative from Steel Stable Outlook Stable in the country

Mumbai, Ta. 27 February 2020, Thursday India Ratings & Research has outlooked India's steel sector outlook for fiscal year 1 from the stable. The agency has come to the notice of the five per cent normal growth in demand for steel and the pressure of scarcity. At the end of the current financial year, the steel sector is projected to grow at four percent. The cost of raw material behind steel mills is seeing an increase due to high premium rates (new for captive and trade purposes) for new iron ore miners. In addition, the decline in disruptive activity in the country has impacted the growth in demand for steel and there is no significant improvement. The agency estimates the country's economic growth rate for the current fiscal year at 5 percent and for the next year at 8 percent. Heavy competition and high premium rates seen in bidders for recently auctioned mines will increase the cost of production on steel companies. In the country, the premium rate of 5 percent of

Corona virus predicts global epidemic: Moody's

New delhi date. 27 February 2020, Thursday US agency Moody's Analytics on Corona Virus has expressed concern that the Novel Corona Virus (Covid-19) will pervade the global recession if the epidemic is on the rise. Concerned by Moody's Analytics, the virus could now be a worldwide threat by damaging China's economy. Mark Jandy, chief economist at Moody's Analytics, says the situation could be even worse if the Corona virus is not overcome. It is worth mentioning that the corona virus has now spread beyond China and a large number of deaths have occurred in South Korea. In addition, Italy has reached Iran. What Moody's said Moody's said Wednesday that the virus has now spread to Italy and Korea. The likelihood of an epidemic is also increased. Mark Jandy In a commentary on the impact and impact of the Corona virus, the Corona virus is a major blow to the Chinese economy, which has become a threat to the global economy. Prior to Moody's, the corona vir

The risk of a trillion-dollar erosion in global GDP

New delhi date. 26 February 2020, Tuesday Economists are speculating that the world's GDP will hit more than a trillion dollars, given the worldwide instability caused by the coronavirus. In China, more than 4,000 people have coronary infections and the spread of it to other countries, with the reported death of 3, has made the world a concern. Oxford economists estimate the world's GDP to exceed $ 1 trillion due to the absence of personnel in production units due to corona, low production, reduced travel, disruptions in supply chain and reduction in trade and investment. Stock markets around the world, including the United States, have seen a massive erosion of investor capital. Market capitalization has declined by three to four percent. Until now, governments and their central banks believed the corona virus could not harm the global economy, but their confidence was now being tested, an economist said. The IMF had so far claimed that the global economic growth rate of

LIC's gross NPA in debt instruments investment increased 7.49 percent

Mumbai, Ta. 26 February 2020, Tuesday While Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) is preparing to launch Initial Public Offering (IPO) in FY 7, the ratio of gross non-performing assets (NPAs) to this insurance company's Debt Portfolios has risen to 5 percent on December 2. Which was 6.4 percent in the same period last year. This is the highest prevalence of gross NPA in the Debt Portfolio of LIC. Against this, its competitors' gross NPAs are zero. At the end of December, LIC had a total balance sheet of Rs 1.8 lakh crore, though its investment and its returns will be scrutinized. In terms of banks, SBI's gross NPA ratio at the end of the December quarter stood at 8.5 percent and ICICI Bank's 8.5 percent. As a life insurance investing in long-term equipment, the market will closely monitor the performance of the equipment, said one analyst. During the period from April 1 to December 1, LIC invested Rs 5 crore in the entire fiscal year against an investment targ

Gold and silver and the dollar back

(Gujarat News Office) Mumbai, Ta. 26 February 2020, Tuesday The gold and silver prices in the Mumbai jewelery market today witnessed a steady decline. The news of the world market was backward. The domestic currency market also saw a drop in the dollar against the rupee today. As a result of the decline in the import cost of domestic metals, the declining market from the high headquarters in the jewelery market today was selling the psyche due to lack of new demand. In the global market, gold prices were below the dollar at $ 5 today, while prices were up by $ 8 to $ 8 in the evening. In the currency market today, the dollar price closed at Rs. 5.7, lower than the open price, and then closed at Rs. The dollar was down 5 paise today while the British Pound fell 5 paise to Rs. The euro prices were up 4 paise today from 1.8 to 1.8. In the global market today, silver prices fell below the dollar by $ 5 a barrel, and prices fell from $ 8 to $ 8 in the evening. Meanwhile, gold prices in

SEBI issued new standards to prevent misuse of consumer securities

Mumbai, Ta. 26 February 2020, Tuesday According to the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), the regulator of the capital markets, brokers will be able to accept collateral from customers in the form of securities through margin mortgages in the depository system. Sebi has taken this step after the recent incident of carving stock broking. It alleges that the shares of clients were raised by broking firm banks and non-banking finance companies through illegal mortgages. Sebi has clarified that ownership of off-market securities transfers changes ownership and should not be considered a mortgage. Sebi stated in a circular that transfer of securities to the trading member and the clearing member's demat account for margin purposes (transfer collateral arrangement) would be prohibited. In the case where the power of attorney has been granted by the client in favor of the trading member or the clearing member, the power of attorney cannot be treated as a margin consolidatio

Virus Infection to Diwali-Castor

Mumbai, Ta. 26 February 2020, Tuesday Oil and castle prices in Mumbai oil-seeds market today went ahead. The castor futures market was also soft. However, prices of various desi and imported edible oils continued to collide with narrow fluctuations today. Food prices remained soft in the futures market. In the market present in Mumbai, the price of a 5 kg dewle fell by Rs. While the price of castor in Mumbai was Rs 5, it was Rs. Prices of castor oil were trading at Rs 5 per tonne while in the futures market this evening, futures prices were down around Rs. New demand in Diwali has been slower against castor crop this year, with deadly virus infiltration in China and the outbreak spreading to other countries now beyond China, according to reports. Under normal circumstances, exports of India from India to China are significant and such exports have been affected. India's exports of diesel declined by about 5 percent in the first quarter and there were signs of a slowdown in expo

Sensex was up 392 points to 39889

(Gujarat News Representative) Mumbai, Ta. 26 February 2020, Tuesday China's corona virus is spreading across the world on a daily basis due to the continuing increase in positive cases and outbreaks of outbreaks outside China, followed by Iran, Italy, South Korea, Japan and now Greece also reported positive cases of corona virus in South Korea and Thailand also in Korea. Now US, Japanese and US are worried about coming to America, Japan and so on Continuous travel warnings by Kong issued a global chill today in Asian-Pacific and European markets. Concern about global economy corrosion virus on the one hand in Indian stock markets today and India's economic growth following short-term growth spurred speculation of recession. Automobiles, IT, oil-gas, consumer durables, capital in fear of growing buffalo Goods, metal-mining stocks also lost the Sensex 3 surface and Nifty 3 levels due to a massive hammering of foreign funds. The Sensex finally closed 4.1, breaking 4.1 points, an