Sebi strong in implementation of new margin system: Sensex fell 839 points to 38628
(Gujarat News Correspondent) Mumbai, Ta. 31 August 2020, Monday Tensions escalated today after reports of renewed friction between the two countries' troops on the Indian Ladakh border by Chinese troops trying to infiltrate the border again. The expected correction-decline began today as Indian stock markets braked a relentless surge in stocks. With the border tensions today, the capital market regulator Sebi has also been adamant in implementing a new pledge and re-pledge margin system in Indian stock markets from tomorrow, Tuesday, September 1, 2020. Reports of brokers' extension requests were rejected. . Fund-brokers hammered heavily into stocks today amid estimates that the new pledge system would pose major hurdles from tomorrow. Overbought The long-overdue correction in Indian stock markets began today. Pharma-Healthcare, Banking-Finance, Automobile, FMCG, Power-Capital Goods, Metal-Mining stocks are being hammered and Metal, Realty, Oil-Gas stocks are also rising sharp...