Demand for pallets growing at 2,700 tonnes, Europe rises in two-and-a-half years

Mumbai, Ta. August 22, 2019, Wednesday

Mumbai oil - Bean market today, with the increase in demand in Palmet, the delivery of direct delivery of the refinery by September 8, the total trade of about 1 to 5 tonnes was traded. Rs. There were reports of these trades happening on the headline of 1. Pawtel hawala resale is priced at Rs. 3 rupees ૬૧૫ While JNPT's Rs. There were 3 of them. Hawala Resale was a business fan. Meanwhile, crudepalm oil CPO Kandla is priced at Rs. There were two.

The export of palmetta from Malaysia to China has doubled in two days to 2 lakh tonnes. And this record counts. In the wake of the trade war between China and the United States, the debate over whether China is now turning to Palmetal instead of soybean was heard in the market today.

Soyatel's futures today were Rs. After 1 stay, the increase is Rs. 8/5 pm Price is Rs. There were two. After the US overnight futures in the Chicago market remained soft at 5 to 5 points, the price remained today at 5 to 5 points plus in the evening of projection. In the overnight news, soybean futures rose 4 points to 5 points while soybean futures remained at 5 to 5 points plus. Meanwhile, New York Cotton futures overnight showed a slight decline in near delivery.

Meanwhile, in the spot market in Mumbai today, the price of 5 kg is about Rs. There were 3 while Rajkot side price was Rs. 1 to 3 and 3 kg of Rs. There were 3 to 8. There, the cost of cotton washed at Rs. From 3 to 5, the price of kapasia oil in Mumbai market was Rs. There were 3 to 5. In Europe, the price of Raedatel has risen to a two-and-a-half-year high. The new crop is less. In addition, there is an increase in biodiesel consumption.


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