Budget season ... Explain to children that money does not grow on trees

- Children at home should be interested in the budget. An understanding can be given from the household budget. The income and expenses of the household can be easily explained

- Household budget is an issue associated with savings. Even teenagers do not understand the meaning of deposits, withdrawals or savings.

- Budgets are so complicated that people have to scratch their heads to figure out where the money will come from and where it will go.

This Jakal budget season is underway. Country budget, state budget, city budget etc. are becoming a heavy subject. Budgets are so cumbersome that people have to scratch their heads to figure out where the money will come from and where it will go. How can a common man understand what even a chartered accountant is trying to understand? Everyone tries to understand the budget of their field. The unfortunate thing is that the budget is painted politically. What the ruling party calls development-oriented, the opposition party calls dull. Everyone wears their own political party glasses and evaluates the budget.

Central government and budgets of Surat, Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Mumbai etc. have come. Still the budget of Gujarat government will come on 1st March. Thus the budget season is still on. The offspring of the household should take an interest in the budget. An understanding can be given from the household budget. The income and expenses of the household can be easily explained. We can show the idea of ​​savings from the savings lanes (now Piggy Bank) etc. Given the way the budget has been spent, it can be said that the hands of the finance minister are tied.

The source of income is declining. No one likes to pay taxes. People who want to pay taxes want concessions. For example, everyone is waiting for a rebate in income tax. It is like explaining something important to the children of the house like budget. An understanding of budget, savings and haphazard spending is essential. The subject of budget has been made very heavy.

The financial management of the house is done by the heads of the house. The middle class allows children to use a certain amount. Which grow according to the age of the offspring. But it is rarely understood that there is only one earner and many users in the house. Sometimes the effects of financial stress on the home do not reach the children. Even if the children grow up, the parents keep them away from the financial problems of the home.

Household budgeting is an issue associated with savings. Even teenagers do not understand the meaning of deposits, withdrawals or savings. Savings are a means to an end. But its benefits and that it is a chain of crisis times are not explained.

Usually boys understand that money comes from ATMs. The children do not know that their parents get paid when they work for a whole month. The middle class boys use money when they see that rich boys use haphazard money. It seems to cost extravagantly.

Boys have been working abroad for 15 years to earn a living. Then he realizes where the money comes from and where it will go. In America, a three-jar system is shown to explain the importance of money to boys. One jar is for savings, the other jar is for expenses and the third jar is for service work money. Thus the boys are taken in the direction of saving. The fact is that just as a family sits together to watch a TV serial, on a budget day, the head of the family should sit down with the whole family and make sense of it. Like the benefits of savings, the money saved in times of crisis seems to work. As the government allocates a special budget for future planning, each family makes special savings for their children's education or marriage.

The government allocates for one year while the middle class plans for it ten years in advance. If someone buys gold, someone makes a fixed deposit.

When it comes to giving a sense of disinvestment to a young person in the house, it can be said that our village house has fallen into disrepair. The cost of his clean sufi is falling on his head. Currently the market price is high. That amount could be used for future planning if it is sold. And avoid unnecessary expenses. It's not just the government that is concerned about disinvestment. Many families sell their loss-making properties to raise cash.

Economists say that the boys of the house should be given the administration of money from an early age so that they can understand how to save money.

It is also important to give the boys in the house an understanding of how much they earn and how much they spend in the house so that it will not be a hassle. Ten percent of the country is rich. It should be noted that money does not grow on trees in the rest of the house. In times of inflation most people's salaries are used up in 90 days. For the remaining 10 days, he adjusts and runs from here to there. All this is in the eyes of the children but no one is involving them.

The budget season teaches you to control your household expenses. During the budget season, household budgets need to be explained by sitting down with family members.

Credit card expenses at home also need to be brought to the attention of the boys at home

Household budgeting is associated with savings. That is why every child and adolescent needs to be given the idea of ​​saving. Household expenses and income, etc. need to be taught from the first standard. According to a study by Cambridge University, when parents give money to someone, their children see it. He also notes when there is a quarrel between husband and wife over money in the house. The elders of the house can explain to him that if you buy a video game you can't buy new shoes. The book is written on Smart Money-Smart Kids. The Cambridge study also found that boys should be motivated to save. Children should also make it a habit to help someone out of their own money. We, the parents there, do not give the details of the bank or the amount of money to their children as they are afraid that the money of the children will be wasted but if they are shown the inflow of money from an early age, it can double the amount saved. Credit card expenses at home also need to be brought to the attention of the boys at home. You should also discuss with him how much you can earn by keeping money in the bank.


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