Detailed information about Retin-A-Cream.

- Industrial guidance - Dhiru Parekh

Retin A Cream is the correct pronunciation of Vitamin A Cream. Retinin is another meaning of retinue meaning high class personality, external appearance has a lot of importance in human relationship. Such is the opinion of psychologists. Many studies have concluded that attractive individuals are liked more by parents and teachers. A beautiful person can have more sexual pleasure with a more beautiful partner. Every culture has an emphasis on beauty. A beautiful thing provides eternal joy.

Everyone wants to be beautiful, young, no one likes old age. Human body is made up of organic material. So there are many people who look young despite their age. So many young people look old even at a young age. Humans have longed since the beginning of time that old age will never come and youth will last forever, in this way, efforts to maintain youth have been made years ago, while today the doctors of the world are trying to prevent the growing age from the aging process. But could not stop this process completely.

Vitamin A has been proven effective in preventing human aging, which first appears on the face. Vitamin- reduces wrinkles on the face. Along with rough skin starts to look smooth. Thus Retin-A cream plays a major role in the skin changes. This type of cream is very popular in western countries.

Retin-A Cream is in full swing for approval from the Drug Administration in India, as well as commercial launch. The future of this cream will be very bright as this cream is made entirely of medicinal plants that will nourish the skin and add freshness as well as beauty.

This cream contains four herbal ingredients whose chemical structure and composition are similar so any ingredient can be included in the cream.

What is Retin-A Cream?

The alias of retin is retinin vitamin A. It is an essential component of rhodopsin. Which is a pigment alcohol type liquid. Its secondary structure is retinol, which is also vitamin A. Which is a structure similar to carotene.

Carotene: This is a precursor of vitamin A. Which is a hint or indication of future events. Carotene is obtained from natural plants. It contains isomers, 3 percent, alpha 15 percent, beta 85 percent, gamma 0-1 percent. Carotene is a major class of pigments called carotenoids. This is also the basic vitamin-A molecular structure.

Property : Brownish red, crystals readily oxidize on contact with air. Does not dissolve in water. Dissolves in alcohol and chloroform. This solution is non-toxic.

Carotenoids: Found in shark liver oil and in alga plants that dissolve in fats and oils. Which is a crystal powder.

Key Ingredients of Retin-A Cream: 1: Retinin-Vitamin A, Sunflower Oil Alcohol, Stearic Acid, Cetyl Alcohol, SLS Powder, PEG 400 Tri Ethanol Amine, DM Water, These creams can be formulated with methyl paraben, propyl paraben and perfumes.

Key-Ingredients of Retin-A-Cream: 2 : Carotenoid, LLP Oil, Olive Oil, Lanolin Anhydrous, Stearic Acid, Cyto-Stearyl Alcohol, SLS Powder, Tri Ethanol Amine, D.M. This cream can be made with water, methyl paraben, propyl paraben and perfumes.

License: The license under the Industries Act and clearance from food and drug authorities is a must.

Note: The formula prescribed by Indian Nations Food and Drug Organization can be made as per rules and regulations.


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