Marriages and marriages for the salvation of the country's economy

- Smile Index : Vanity

- There will be only 70 lakh marriages in the country in six months, only 13 lakh crore business will be generated, it is the responsibility of every patriot to increase this figure.

On one hand we all cry recession and on the other hand we are very lazy in the centuries old super hit evergreen industry like marrying and getting married. An organization called The Confederation of All India Traders estimates that the wedding season after Uttarayan, Dhanarak, which is now expected to last until Baisakh, will see just over 70 lakh weddings, generating business of Rs 13 lakh crore in the country.

Say, 70 lakh marriages in six months in a population of 135 crores (unofficial because the census to be held in 2021 is not yet available) is a low figure. It should be remembered that no one gets married in the rest of the months i.e. from Baisakh to Aso. Therefore, if the country wants to make the country's economy worth 10 trillion dollars, then the entire country should start with a target of at least two crore marriages per year.

For this, the masi-feibas, who are always ready to exorcise the wood snake, come forward and catch the bachelors and get them married. A law should be passed to grant divorce in half a minute to couples who are about to remarry in the next minute. .

The government should formulate a special policy for this group of industries which can save the country's economy. For example, if an employee attends the wedding of the grandchild of the niece of the brother-in-law of the second brother-in-law, then his leave should not be counted, but on the contrary, one and a half salary should be considered and the additional salary should be deducted from the tax. The government should provide interest-free loans for starting any business related to marriage i.e. party plot, band party, catering, mandap to pre-wedding shoot photo liking agencies on social media and also give a ten year tax holiday on the income.

The government will make polygamists the brand ambassadors of this marriage promotion campaign. In South, a star named Naresh is going to get married for the fourth time, the government can pay all the expenses of his wedding. For the promotion of this marriage promotion scheme, hodg villages like Kabir Bedi who perform three or four marriages (Bhulchook Levidevi) can be introduced. If creators like Sooraj Barjatya and Karan Johar make someone's marriage video into a film and release it in theatres, such films can be declared permanently tax exempt.

It's good that earlier the whole wedding event used to take place in a day or so, we have reached four-five days instead of mehndi, sangeet, pithi and all that. Instead, the government should enact a law that marriages will be valid only if each marriage event lasts for at least ten days.

Someone will doubt that if the public will be busy in functions and only in functions, then why will the country run? To tell such people why the leaders are busy in functions like festivals, ceremonies, inaugurations for 363 days of the year, but see how the country runs!

Smile tip

It is not necessary that every man should marry different partners. One can marry the same partner every year. The biggest peace in this is that no one will have the hassle of remembering the marriage anniversary and there will be no regrets that you told someone in the wedding that you and Tamuk were not invited or that you did not even insist on Chiku Barfi for your uncle's wedding, so great social peace will be created.


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