Provisions for entry of name of plot, building holder in co-operative societies

- Lokabhimukha Guidance : H.S. Patel IAS (Retd.)

- Revenue procedures have not been reformed rapidly with development after independence

Most of the provisions in the Land Revenue Act and in the Settlement Manual and Revenue Account Manual refer to agricultural lands largely because the land revenue system introduced during the British regime kept records of how much land revenue was to be collected and from whom according to the type of land. There are provisions to keep. Also, Chapter-9 of the Land Revenue Act provides for the Collector to introduce CT survey in urban areas and determine its extent. As mentioned, since most of the agricultural lands are for its administration, the entire land revenue village administration falls under the Village Forms No.1 to 18 of the Revenue Account Manual and among these forms, 7/12 and 8A and Hakkapatrak Form No.6 are the most popular among the people. But the land usage pattern has changed due to the spread of urbanization and industrialization. A state like Gujarat has a higher rate of urbanization as compared to other states in the country and it is estimated that by 2030 more than 50% of the state's population will be in cities, so there is a need to rapidly change land/property management to suit the changing times. When the Land Revenue Act - 1879 was enacted, Collector T.C. who had lived in Surat, Ahmedabad in the areas of the British Government during that period. First of all by Hope - In 1968, CT Survey city area was introduced in Surat in the name of TC Hope, Hope Bridge is located over Tapi river and according to his recommendation, provisions from Chapter-9, Section-125 to 134 were inserted in the Land Revenue Act in which village, Under Section-126, the collector has to file a CT survey based on the population standard determined by the state government to determine the boundaries relating to towns and cities.

Experience has shown that in the areas where CT survey was introduced in Gujarat before 1990, the right-of-way officers were regularly appointed and on the basis of completion of the right-of-way, property cards were given to the property owners of the concerned CT-survey area and subsequent transactions were changed in the property register based on the rules of the right-of-way. . In the CT survey area, if the agricultural numbers are coming, it is done by the revenue department, but as mentioned, the extent of conversion of non-agricultural lands increased due to the process of urbanization and industrialization, but in relation to this, the CT survey was not introduced and due to the lack of appointment of Hakkachoksi officers. The areas in which the survey can be entered are also governed by the administration of revenue villages. As the British may have adopted sound revenue system for their own interest but after independence the revenue procedure has not been improved rapidly with the development.

The above background has been described for the information of the public. Due to the changing circumstances, the Government of Gujarat has added Chapter-9 Transitional Areas in the Land Revenue Act as Transitional Areas and Sections-125 A to U have been added to it and these areas are areas adjacent to major cities where maximum use of non-agricultural lands is different. happens for a purpose. In this way, the Gujarat Town Planning Act - 1976 has been enacted for urban planning in Gujarat in a planned and well-planned manner and in it Urban / Area Development Boards have been formed and Master Development Plan as Land use plan of the concerned areas by the Urban / Development Authorities. A TP scheme is created and legally implemented by introducing a TP scheme in the Master Development Plan area. Experience has also shown that just as there is a delay in finalization after submission of the CT survey, similarly the TP scheme takes a long time to finalize. However, the operation of CT Survey under Chapter-9 and 9A of the Land Revenue Act and the operation of the TP Scheme under the Town Planning Act are both parallel, as per the resolution dated 12/2/2007 by the Revenue Department of the State Government in the area where the Nagar Rachana Yojana has been entered and finalized. There are suggestions to implement TP scheme as per final map, plot instead of Hakkachoksi operation, but as per my knowledge this has not been implemented so all land/property holders 7/12 of old revenue village, CT survey filed if their property card and TP filed. If so, B form of final plot has to be carried around with three types of land related documents and due to this the people have to suffer and questions are raised for proper proof of land/property and especially about land title, so that the state government can get all uncultivated land. It has been decided to issue property cards of all the survey numbers, but it has not been implemented accordingly and the underlying reason behind it is Multiple Law, Land Revenue Act, Town Planning Act, City Survey work instead of all these only one Au thority i.e. Metropolitan Municipality, Municipality, Authority area is enough only CT Survey Superintendent as the final authority many this department which is short of staff in relation to properties should be provided permanently, only then land/property in urban areas can be managed properly. Amidst all this, the land revenue to be collected on the land/property has also been computerized in an advanced form as the records have been computerized, in the age of digitization, the process of land revenue collection has to be done online. The subject of property card of CT survey record and plot holders of societies is important and will be detailed in the next article.



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