The budget will be the blueprint for a developed India.
- After Lord Rama was enshrined at Ayodhya on January 22, the seeds of Ramraj's imagination have been planted in the minds of every Indian. It is said that in this budget the seeds of everyone's imagination can sprout
- One thing is certain that efforts will be made to provide women empowerment and industry oriented budget. When the Indian government is pursuing the dream of becoming a five trillion dollar economy, it is certain that encouraging policies in that direction will also be seen.
- India's startup sector is attracting every newbie. Some startups are mired in controversy but the government is taking a positive stance. Efforts to boost the potential of India's internet economy to become one trillion dollars by 2030 will be seen in the budget.
There are two days left before the flight. After two months, there are Lok Sabha elections. As the Modi government is aiming to come to power for the third term, it is believed that all efforts to please the voters will be seen in the budget. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman and her budget-making team have signaled that the budget is ready by holding a traditional halwa ceremony.
One thing is certain that efforts will be made to provide women empowerment and industry oriented budget. When the Indian government is dreaming of becoming a five trillion dollar economy, it is certain that encouraging policies in that direction will also be seen.
How to increase the investment coming from abroad and what measures to take in the budget will be seen in the budget prepared by the experts. As the middle class wants tax relief, the industries of the country are also expecting tax relief.
After Lord Rama was enshrined at Ayodhya on January 22, the seeds of Ramraj's imagination have been planted in the minds of every Indian. It is said that in this budget the seeds of everyone's imagination can sprout.
It can be said that the economic system of India has been able to stay away from the effects of the global recession and the two wars going on in the world.
The budget will see more emphasis on public private partnership. It is believed that a special budget will be allocated according to the project to complete the development works related to the ministers of each department and their ministries within the stipulated time.
The central government has created satisfactory health facilities for the middle class by providing free health facility cards like Ma Card and Ayushman Card, which will be made sharper in the budget. There will also be a provision to take action against the hospitals in such cases as some private hospitals do not operate the Audhyamanda card and cause inconvenience to the patients. The finance minister has repeatedly said that strict action will be taken against those who fail to implement the government's schemes.
The agriculture sector is also sitting with high expectations towards the government. The central government has promised to double the income of farmers. Farmers trapped in debt in Maharashtra want to become rich. Government is trying for natural farming instead of chemical farming. The campaign and awareness started by the Governor for natural farming in Gujarat is getting a lot of support.
Some government schemes will be extended by the government and it will be planned to create more employment.
The government will promote the idea of ​​promoting startups and due to this the country will get new entrepreneurs. The small businesses and MSME sector of the country have to bear the brunt of foreign shopping companies while exporting. The presentation of the Federation of Indian Export Organizations is that private companies should be supported in this sector.
India spends barely one percent of its GDP on research and development, while China spends 2.43 percent of its GDP. More allocation will be made to R&D related sectors.
On 22nd yesterday, the Prime Minister announced the installation of solar panels on one crore houses, the first thing after the death of Lord Ram at Ayodhya. Which shows that the government will now bring many incentives for electronic vehicles in the budget. A scheme will also be put in place to build electronic vehicle infrastructure in the country. It is also being considered to reduce the GST of eVeper. Measures to increase the penetration of EV technology can also be seen in the budget.
The biggest problem facing the government is employment. The budget will see the government making efforts for sectors that can generate employment. The challenges posed by Artificial Intelligence (AI) are likely to lead to job cuts in some sectors and job growth in areas such as information technology. Efforts to develop an education sector useful in the field of AI can also be seen in the budget.
If the election had been declared, the new policies in the budget could not include those new plans, but as the election has not yet been declared, many new things can be seen in the budget. Sectors like health care, education, agriculture, MSME need continuous improvement.
The recent G-20 meeting in India suggested the use of AI in domestic business and day-to-day operations. Because of this, it is likely that the budget will see proposals promoting measures for the use of AI. Preparations for the Digital Personal Data Protection Act can also be seen in the budget.
It is also being thought of to plan so that education reaches every child. Experts say that existing facilities for online higher education in India will be enhanced. Measures such as reduction in interest on education loans may also be seen.
India's startup sector is attracting every newbie. Some startups are in controversy but the government is taking a positive attitude. Efforts to boost the potential of India's internet economy to become one trillion dollars by 2030 will be seen in the budget.
The government is eyeing the semiconductor sector. The budget will see efforts to create an eco-system of semi-conductors. PLI can prove to be a game changer for semiconductors which will be mentioned in the budget.
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