The wave of neo-capitalism that is rapidly spreading in today's modern world

- The Conundrum of Economics - Dhawal Mehta

- A free market system is considered the best in a liberal economy

As the limitations of communism in practice are revealed, the wave of neoliberalism i.e. neocapitalism has returned in the modern world. Not only in economics but also in politics, the right-wing wave is advancing. In politics, the right-wing wave is called the rightist wave and the extreme right wave is called the extreme right or radical right. The word radical right in English means 'radical' (ie not superimposed) to change.

The Radical Right has an element of fanaticism. Right-wing forces in Europe and America have also intensified opposition to immigrants from other countries, and the radical right in Afghanistan over the way a nation is built on Islam and the way blasphemy is executed or a woman suspected of sexual misconduct is stoned to death. Viewpoint: Brutal military dictatorships that blatantly violate democratic principles are also called the Radical Right (Pakistan and Burma). Communism is considered as left wing and the hardliners who believe in Maoism, Naxalism, anarchism etc. are considered as radical left. People who believe in the communist government of China and Russia or other countries are considered leftists. In short to understand politics it is necessary to know the differences between Conservative, Liberal, Rightist, Leftist, Ultra Leftist and Ultra Rightist etc.

Those who believe in liberal economics consider the free market system to be the best system of economics while the leftists see the free system as a symbol of exploitative capitalism-imperialism but they violently overthrew the capitalist system but in the process introduced a communist despotism (dictatorship) destroying democracy. Dictatorship of the proletariat (i.e. workers' revolution) transformed into brutal despotism. Hitler can be considered a radical ultraright dictator while Stalin and Mao can be considered radical left or ultra left dictators. Capitalist countries have mainly welcomed democracy and accepted economic inequality in the context of democracy. This type of conservative right-wing also believes that the inequality in society is due to the inequality of intelligence, cleverness, vigilance, entrepreneurship, education etc. among people. Smart and hard working people become rich while lazy, less educated, addicted, aimless, irresponsible people remain poor. But capitalists or conservatives do not believe that everyone in the society should have equal opportunities (availability) because the children of the rich are born with more opportunities, communism believes in giving everyone equal opportunities but in practice communist societies have created a society with unequal power. In the world today, capitalist welfarist, democratic societies and even China and Russia with brutal dictatorships are making progress in average per capita income. So in the world capitalism vs. socialism, neo-capitalism vs. communism, Gandhian vs. neo-capitalism and industrialism, theocentric, scientism, materialism vs. spirituality, religion vs. science, male vs. female dominated society, individual vs. society, atheism vs. theism. Wars of logical reasoning etc. are going on against superstition.


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