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Gold crash: Rising crude oil prices ahead of OPEC meeting

(Gujarat News Office) MUMBAI: Gold prices continued to decline in the Mumbai jewelery market today. Silver prices were falling sharply. Gold prices in the world market today fell from ૭૯૨ 15 to ૭૯૩ 16 an ounce to ૭૮૫ 16 to સમાચાર 17. However, global silver prices fell sharply today, from ૮૪ 4.5 to ૮૫ 7.5 an ounce and were trading at ૯ 4.50 to ૯ 2.31 an ounce. Meanwhile, there were reports that the government had reduced the tariff value used as a benchmark for importing gold and silver import duties in the country. This has led to a reduction in the effective import duty on domestically imported gold and silver, jewelers said. Such tariff value of gold has been reduced from ૫૯૯ 5 to ૫૭૫ 5 per 10 grams. It is learned that the tariff value of silver has been reduced from ૪ 205 to ૭૫ 50 per kg. Meanwhile, in the Ahmedabad jewelery market today, gold prices fell by Rs 200 per 10 grams to Rs 500 from Rs 2.50 and Rs 200 from Rs 4.50. Ahmedabad silver fell by Rs 200 per kg to Rs 2,000 toda...