Peanut oil and cottonseed oil
(Gujarat News Office) MUMBAI: Singtel and cottonseed oil traded higher in the Mumbai oilseeds market today. Cingulum oil prices remained soft. While cottonseed oil prices rose behind the stations. Meanwhile, amid rising crude prices in the global market today, the prices of imported edible oils were also present at home and in the futures market. Meanwhile, palm oil futures in Malaysia rose 3 points in the global market today, while soyoil prices in the US this evening were projected to be in the range of 5-6 points plus. Meanwhile, in imported palm oil today, hawala-resell was traded at Rs 115 to Rs 1,205 per 10 kg and refineries in direct delivery at around Rs 1,507 to Rs 1,610 per tonne. Crude palm oil CPO Kandla was up by Rs 1,150 today, while CPO futures were up by Rs 1,109.50 and soyoil futures were up by Rs 19.50 this evening. Soybean futures rose by Rs 15 to Rs 200. Mumbai In the spot market today, the price of 10 kg of cingulum oil fell by Rs 150 and cottonseed oil by Rs ...