
Showing posts with the label Peanut oil rises: Castor futures fall bearish circuit

Peanut oil rises: Castor futures fall bearish circuit

(Gujarat News Office) MUMBAI: Cingulum oil prices rose in the Mumbai Oilseeds market today while cottonseed oil prices were hitting, the weather in the world market was mixed. In Malaysia, palm oil futures were 15 points softer today, while soybean oil prices in Anerika were projected to be in the range of 4 to 5 points in the projection this evening. New demand in the Mumbai market was slow. In the Mumbai spot market today, the price of 10 kg of cingulum oil is Rs. 120 and cottonseed oil Rs. 1500 lived. Saurashtra side price of Singtel Rs. 15 and 18 kg Rs. 2050 and cotton washed Rs. 1140 to 1140 were speaking. Imported palm oil prices fall by Rs. 115 remained. Crude Palm Oil CPO Kandla Price Rs. 1108 remained. In the futures market, CPO prices were showing a slow decline and soyoil prices were showing a slow recovery. Meanwhile, in the castor futures market, the lower circuit today saw the price fall by four per cent, while soybean prices touched Rs. There were indications of stayin