Invest in sugar stocks, buy expensive sugar from profits

- Smile Index - Vanity

- If the Chinese release a diabetes virus, then the sugar millers will starve

'Sir, there is great news from Maharashtra.'

The finance department officer lied to the chief officer.

The chief officer was shocked. "In Maharashtra, now we have our government, that is, our government, that is, the government, that is, the government of the ruling party of the center, and now we have weakened the opposition so much that there is no chance of any new formation."

'Sir, eat some meat. In Defense of Government, In Support of Government and Political Analysis of Maharashtra.' The junior beat the senior.

The senior felt as if someone pressed a hand on the painful vein. 'My dear friend, you know that now it is not enough to do government work as a government official. In the wake of Dogle, the government has to be praised and defended too. '

'Sir, I came to give you a big news and you told me and your whole story. Everyone knows everything but now the new news is that the production of sugar in Maharashtra is going to decrease by half this time. Due to this, the price of sugar is going to increase.'

'No problem. This is the benefit of diabetes. Increase the price of sugar as much as you want. '

'Sir, you have diabetes, but not the entire 135 crore people of this country. If there is a fall in the price of sugar in the election year itself, the government will make your career bitter. In Maharashtra itself, it will be transferred to a drought-affected place where there is no sweet sugar, salty or soft water.'

'Hey heavy curry. Can't these Chinese take out two or four viruses from their stomachs and take out a diabetes virus? If all 135 crore people get diabetes, then sugar mill owners will die of hunger.'

'Err...sir, don't say that. God bless the sugar mills. did you forget We have taken a large position in sugar mill stocks only last month. Sir, there will be a huge boom in sugar stocks. Great profits will come.'

The talk of profit made Sir's mouth not water but syrup. 'True. This Janata Janardan should also get hold of stocks of sugar companies. They should be told to take, book profits from stocks of sugar companies and buy any expensive sugar from that profit amount.'

'Wow sir, great idea. Earnings in stocks of public toothpaste companies buy expensive toothpastes, earnings in stocks of soap companies buy soaps. If not the house in the stock of housing companies, then finally take cool tiles. The entire problem of inflation will be solved. Present this idea at the top level in the government. You will get hundred percent award.'

'Don't lose your wits, Mr Junior. Everyone knows that the days of executives getting credit for good ideas or strong execution are gone. Now if something goes wrong, we are present only to accept the blame. '

Junior sighed like a speculator caught in a slump

Smile tip

Eternal principle of government stock market - boom in promise, slowdown in execution!


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