
Lower-than-expected grain production will raise inflationary risks

- El Nino effect will increase the risk of uncertainty regarding the progress of monsoon and will also increase food prices. That the central government is assisting the Reserve Bank of India on measures to control inflation. The central government has also hinted that it may use trade policy to control prices and last week the center decided to impose export duty on onion. However, this was not the first step towards controlling prices as the government had recently imposed restrictions on the export of rice and the storage of some other food items such as pulses. Consumer price index-based inflation rose to a 15-month high of 7.44 percent in July and is expected to remain above the central bank's upper-end target range in August. This rate has increased due to the rise in food prices, adding to the risk of uncertainty about the progress of the monsoon due to the El Nino effect. Various parts of the country have received relatively low rainfall, which may also affect agricultur

Market Talk: Bruce Lee died of drinking too much water

After the death of 35-year-old Ashley Summers from Indiana, USA, after drinking too much water, researchers have advised people not to drink too much water suddenly. Researchers say that drinking too much water causes hyponatremia, a sodium deficiency in the body. Kidneys cannot filter water so water dilutes it by mixing with the blood. The body begins to swell and death can occur if left untreated. Scientists have warned that this problem is not new. In 1973, Hollywood actor and martial arts legend Bruce Lee died of hyponatremia at the age of 32. Earlier it was said that he was poisoned but 50 years after his death in 2022 Oxford research revealed that he died due to hyponatremia. Japan created a digital clone of a human A startup in Tokyo, Japan has succeeded in creating a digital clone of a human being. The company claims that this digital clone, which looks just like Kajutaka Yonekura, the CEO of Alt Ink Company, will free people from everyday tasks. This clone talks and gives

Space technology... business, the sky is the limit

- After the success of Chandrayaan-3, the space sector has been boosted, India's space business is also sure to get wings now. - Space technology equipment manufacturing companies have been booming since last Wednesday. The market cap of these companies has crossed Rs 13,000 crore. - The message behind the success of Chandrayaan-3 is that India's entrepreneurs have found a new field. The space sector, which was once not much in the public's mind, has been witnessing new innovations ever since it allowed startups into the space sector. The success of Chandrayaan-3 has boosted the space sector. India's space business is also certain to get wings now. Sky is the limit for space technology and space science. The message behind the success of Chandrayaan-3 is that no one can stop India in the space sector. When the IT sector started in India in 1969, people did not understand its economic system. Today India's IT sector is the talk of the town. The contribution of I

Looking at the current events, the claims that the country is running according to the constitution can be said to be hollow

- Alterations are being made in the provisions of the Constitution despite not being defective - On two occasions, the central government passed laws with the intention of depriving the Delhi region of power since 1992. On both occasions, the Supreme Court overturned the central government's move - Opinion - P. Chidambaram The oldest democracies in the world have a sovereign (king or queen) and not a written constitution, although it is becoming a model for other constitutional democracies. According to this 'constitution', the administration of Britain is superior to that of other countries where there is a written constitution. However, the situation is opposite in countries like Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland etc. on one hand and China, Iran, Myanmar etc. on the other hand. The first mentioned countries are listed by the V-Dem organization as countries with liberal democracies while the latter countries are included in the list of countries with autocracies.

Warren Buffett's investment mantra

Warren Buffett will be 93 years old this month. The life of this fifth richest person in the world has become an example for millions of people. If there is any stock price in the world, it belongs to Berkshire Hathaway Company, the company headed by Warren Buffett. The price of one share is four lakh dollars. Everyone has been following their favorite investment topic for the last one year. His equity portfolio is estimated to be $353 billion. August 30 is Warren Buffett's birthday. Warren Buffett's investment mantra should be adopted by small investors. Buy shares of a good company and hold it for long term. Five Most Valuable Stocks in the World Everyone wants to make money by investing in the stock market. But some experiences scare them. Patience is very important in the stock market. Even Warren Buffett says invest in a good company and forget about it. It will pay off well in the long run. List of five companies with the most expensive shares in the world. 1 Berksh

An average of three percent increase in world incomes

- The Conundrum of Economics - Dhawal Mehta - High levels of economic inequality in developed and communist countries of the world Average per capita income of any country is a better indicator of prosperity and standard of living of the people than its total GDP (national income). An even more effective indicator is the equality of income and wealth in that country. A country is very rich, but if the income and wealth of the first ten percent of its people is about 70 percent of the country's GDP (national income) and the remaining ninety percent of the people have only 30 percent of the country's income and wealth, then in the language of economics, distributive justice in that country is very high. Considered to be of lower rank. Suppose there is a single family in a country and 100 percent of the country's total income and wealth, then zero distributive justice in that country is considered extreme inequality. Countries like America, Britain, France, Germany, Spain,

Rapid change in climate and weather patterns

- The natural landscape around us is rapidly changing at the onset of destruction Climate and weather patterns have changed a lot in the last few months. Such intensity was probably never seen before. First, the temperature broke all previous records in June this year. Then, for two weeks in July, the heat set a frenzy that had never been seen before. In June, the world's sea surface temperature exceeded all previous records and the frozen ice sheet on Antarctica also melted. Temperatures rose sharply in many parts of the world and heavy rains caused heavy loss of both life and property. Scientists warn that this is only the beginning of destruction as the changing landscape around us is rapidly changing. Monsoon winds are also affecting the Indian subcontinent due to extremely warm winds blowing over the ocean, including the Bay of Bengal. Apart from this, there is a lot of change in the adverse winds generated from the Mediterranean region. These adverse conditions cause snow

Learn from State Bank, eat for hours

- Smile Index - Vanity - State Bank has become India's most profitable company, meaning the longer the lunch hour, the greater the profit. Employees rush into the boss's cabin. 'Boss, ten minutes lunch time will not last. Let it cook for at least two hours now.' The boss said with a sly smile, 'Shit, I'm not paying you enough to keep you full for a couple of hours. Even with such a salary, your meal should be eaten in seven minutes.' 'Boss, we have discovered a formula. Then your profit will increase to such an extent that you will be able to pay us so much that in two and a half hours, we will be able to sit comfortably on the floor and do ten minutes of vamkushi.' The boss was upset, 'Why? Have you got Aladdin's magic lamp? So tell him to write a collective resignation on behalf of all of you, so I leave you and you leave me.' The employees, who are used to such tricks from the boss, coldly say, 'Boss, we go down in the four

Provisions regarding other charges levied along with electricity consumption bill

- Lokabhimukha Guidance - H.S. Patel IAS (Retd.) - Regulatory Commission has the authority to decide the Tariff The prevalence of electricity consumption has increased so much that no citizen of the country or the world lives without some form of electrical equipment. Electricity is also an important part of economic/commercial affairs. There are three important factors in the electricity sector. Power production (Generation), Power transmission (Transmission) Power distribution (Distribution) These three parts are dependent on each other and all things are related to the commercial principle. We as consumers consume / use the value chain of electricity. Considered as power distribution. And so the electricity consumption bill is given by the utility. It has to be paid as a customer. Therefore, from the community of readers and some officials, I am elaborating in the broad interest of electricity consumers by asking to clarify that different charges are collected by electricity comp

Tax demand higher than GSTR 2B will shut down the business

- Sales Tax - Soham Mashruwala Under the GST Act, the government has to make frequent amendments regarding the taxation. As per Section 16 and Rule 36(4), the trader is not entitled to claim more tax credit than that shown in GSTR 2B. It often happens that the supply of goods is received in the month after the month in which the bill is generated, due to which the tax is charged in the month after the month in which the bill appears in GSTR2B. The government has announced a new rule Ect to increase the headache of traders and levy exorbitant taxes which is discussed in today's article. On 4th August 2023, the Government issued notification no. 38/2023 Central Tax has been promulgated in which this new rule 88D has been inserted. Increase in tax demand According to Article 16 and Rule 36, the government has established that tax credit cannot be claimed more than the amount shown in the GSTR2B form. The government had to bring the concept of transaction matching in the GSTR2B fo

Desperate efforts to control food inflation

- Commodity Current - Jayavadan Gandhi August this year has been the driest in the last hundred years. Monsoons were active in most parts of the country in July, but the Monsoon disappeared in August, suggesting the onset of El Nino. Due to the lack of rain in August, there is a fear of affecting the growth and production rate of kharif crops like grains, pulses, telebia, spices. If there is rain in the next ten-fifteen days, the situation may become normal. The lack of monsoon has left the system sleepless due to the possibility of food prices rising again during the festive season. As the drums of elections for various state assemblies and Lok Sabha are looming in the country in the near future, the issue of inflation has become a headache for the government. The government is making several efforts to break the ever-increasing prices, especially of grains, pulses and spices. Prices of wheat, the most consumed food item, have risen by around 10-12 per cent in the past two months, h

Now the transactions of cooperative organizations will be done in cooperative banks only

- Antenna - Vivek Mehta - 5 lakh accounts of co-operative societies being transferred to District Co-operative Banks of Panchmahal and Banaskantha within two to three months in their deposits Rs. 2000 crore has increased Now all the financial transactions of the co-operatives should be done with and through the co-operative banks. A pilot project for this has been started in Banaskantha and Panchmahal districts of Gujarat. All cooperative societies shall open their accounts only in cooperative banks. Its members will also open their accounts only in cooperative banks. All their financial transactions will be done through cooperative banks. Union Minister of Cooperatives Amit Shah said that 'cooperation among cooperatives' i.e. 'cooperation among each cooperative' is necessary. As part of this project, all the approximately 5 lakh accounts in different banks of cooperative societies and institutions of Panchmahal and Banaskantha districts were transferred to District

Extensive knowledge about plastics industry

- Industrial guidance - Dhiru Parekh Plastic is a waxy and bendable chemical. It is separated from petroleum crude by purification. It is used for different types of solids (shapes) made by giving certain shapes. This process is done in different machinery and in different types and compositions. There are two processes. (1) Cold process (2) Hot-molded In this process, a die is used to shape the shape. Composition :- This composition is kept at room temperature. After that the process runs according to high and low heat cycle. In which heating and cooling system is automatic. This process consists of two other compounds. (1) Feeler and (2) Binder The property of the binder is to make it symmetrical, while the filler is to make the product bulkier, so that the composition price can be brought down. Sometimes the plastic has to be made hard as well as elastic (stretchable). Binder :- This binder consists of organic or in-organic compounds, in which cement, lituminous, resin, cellulos

Government banks will see reduced support amid market softness

- Chart Indication - Ashok Trivedi The BSE index (close 64948.66 on 18-08-23) is soft from a top of 67319.17. Currently, the 12 day average is 65656.01 and the 48 day average is 65009.91 and the 200 day average is 61954.56. Daily MACD is bearish. The weekly MACD is bullish. Shows oversold position on daily and weekly basis as well as overbought position on monthly basis. Above 65175, above 65370, 65550, 65770 are considered resistance levels. Below 64754, below 64640, 64340, 64050, 63873 are possible. Punjab National Bank (closing price Rs.62.80 on 18-08-23) is in favor of correction from the bottom of 43.85. Currently, the 12-day average is 61.78, the 48-day average is 58.54, and the 200-day average is 51.12. Daily and weekly MACD are bearish. The weekly MACD is bullish. Shows neutral to overbought positions on daily and weekly basis as well as overbought positions on monthly basis. Above 65.50 to 70, 75, 79, 83 possible. 60 support is considered as low. Central Bank (closing pric

Adopt this formula in the midst of growing recession, there will be huge savings from salary, there will also be a break in expenses

The day by day increasing recession is disrupting people's budgets, the question arises as to how to save these days and if proper savings are not managed from the income, most of the salary is spent on household expenses. In this situation, a proper savings management formula is needed to save for children's school fees, hospital expenses, any other emergency expenses. This saving formula is divided into three parts. Which is known as 50:30:20 formula. You can apply the formula of 50:30:20 salary amount In simple words, the earnings are divided into three parts by this. If you are employed then the salary amount is in your account. You can apply the 50:30:20 formula to it. On the other hand if you are a businessman, by applying this formula to the total income of the month, you can save money for savings despite all expenses. Let's understand this formula in a simple way. Let's start with 50 percent savings Suppose your salary is Rs 40,000 per month and you can

DGCA caught several flaws in Air India's security audit, revealed that fake report was submitted

An inspection team of members of the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) has found lapses in Air India's internal security audit and the directorate is investigating the matter. This information was given by DGCA officials. What did the Air India spokesperson say? An Air India spokesperson said in this regard that all airlines undergo regular security audits by regulators and other entities. DGCA team visited Air India office in Gurugram, Haryana on July 25 and 26. Fake reports were prepared by airlines in 13 cases According to the inspection report handed over to the DGCA, the airlines were supposed to check routine security matters in different areas of operation such as cabin, inspection, cargo, ramp and load, but a surprise inspection by the DGCA revealed that the airlines had prepared fake reports in all 13 cases. Not giving correct reports of CCTV, recording, audit statement When the DGCA team re-verified through CCTV, recording, audit statement, shift registr

The central government has now imposed 20 percent export duty on this rice, know what will happen to the people

Image Frrepic Dt. 26 August 2023, Saturday "India has imposed a 20 percent duty on exports of boiled rice with immediate effect. India's move could raise global rice prices. Rice in other countries has touched its highest level in 12 years. India accounts for more than 40% of world rice exports and other exporters Low stocks mean that any cut in shipments, caused by Russia's invasion of Ukraine last year and erratic weather, could drive up food prices.The government has taken this step to provide relief to Indians. India shocked buyers by banning exports of the more widely consumed non-basmati white rice last year, following a ban on bulk rice exports last year. A Mumbai-based dealer at a foreign trade house said the ban had prompted some buyers to increase purchases of rice, pushing prices to record highs. It will become as expensive as Thailand and Pakistan With this duty, Indian boiled rice will become as expensive as supplies from Thailand and Pakistan, the deale

The new week will see Nifty spot hitting 19025 to 19425 and Sensex 64111 to 65666.

- ITC LTD. 61.69 percent promoter holding of the group, INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL HOUSE LTD., a leader in tour and travel services, paid-up Rs.10 against expected full year 2023-24 EPS of Rs.31.64 and expected book value of Rs.185 The shares are available on BSE only at a price of Rs.329 at a P/E of 10.41 Mumbai: In the last week, Indian stock markets have also seen a soft trend with volatility in the global uncertain trend. Heavy selling by foreign portfolio investors in frontline-index stocks against selective bullishness in small, mid-cap stocks has dampened sentiment. The meeting of Reserve Bank of India's Monetary Policy Committee has indicated that inflation will rise again globally and at home. While on Friday the US The Federal Reserve chairman's signal in his Jackson Hall speech that further interest rate hikes are necessary to curb inflation could dampen sentiment given further challenges in the coming days. On the global front, on the other hand, China's economic cr

Finally, the government imposed a twenty percent duty on the export of parboiled rice

- Parboiled rice not received by late export order and supported by letter of credit is exempted from export duty - The Center is making efforts to increase the household supply of food items Mumbai: The government has finally imposed twenty percent duty on the export of boiled rice. The decision is believed to be part of keeping domestic rice prices under control and maintaining adequate stocks. Two days earlier, the government had announced that there would be no movement on export controls. Parboiled rice accounts for 33 percent of India's total rice exports. According to the notification issued by the Ministry of Finance, 20 percent export duty will be applicable till October 16 of the current year. Exporters who have already entered into an agreement will be able to export at zero duty till October 15. Parboiled rice lying at customs ports which has not received a late export order and is supported by a letter of credit is exempted from export duty. While India is a maj

A looming threat to the kharif crop with poor rains in August

- The government will have to effectively manage the price of pulses MUMBAI: The current year's kharif sowing is almost over in the country but the kharif crop is facing a threat due to lack of rains in August. By August 25, kharif planting has almost reached last year's level. Due to the weakness of rains in August, the situation cannot be said to be good for the kharif crop. Most of the kharif crops require adequate rainfall, sources in the agriculture ministry said. In the current season, the cultivation of pulses in the kharif crop has been lower by 8.30 percent compared to last year, which may be a matter of concern for the government. The statistics obtained show that there is a decrease in the cultivated area of ​​Tuvar, Mugh and Udd. Cultivated area of ​​mung bean is 8.10 percent, urad 13.80 percent and tuvar 5.30 percent. If the rains do not intensify in the coming days, there is concern that standing crops will be affected. In such a situation, the government wi