A new elan in the world of smuggling - Go Digital!

- Smile Index - Vanity

- We have to change with the times, our grandfathers brought clocks and tape recorders, fathers are in gold, the new generation will do with laptops.

There was a message in the WhatsApp group of smugglers: Everyone is going to zoom at exactly three o'clock in the night.

A smuggler hit back. I am currently in Gujarat, it is not possible to zoom properly here. '

Another smuggler joked.' Lya, we and the law?'

Pella replied, 'Brother, everything is available in government law, but now there is no supply in excess of hearing.'

The third wrote, 'Consignments used to arrive in ships at three-three-four-four in the night have all become the era of 70s movies. Now it is the world of landing on a clear day with a gold capsule on the belt. So why the meeting at 3 o'clock in the night?'

The admin's message came, 'Now we have to go back to the days of ships. Bringing in a large flight will not work. More details at the meeting.'

All the smugglers became alert. The evening online session was well attended than expected.

Admin entered invisible mode. A smuggler says, 'Just show your face. Just because you are the big boss doesn't necessarily mean that your voice is heard.'

The admin says, 'Sorry boss, in the beginning, everyone is our business brother, but this is not the time to trust. Don't trust who is a government informant and who scans my face and sends it to agencies. '

Another smuggler was happy, 'Wow boss, your fear is also high-tech.'

Admin says, 'Yas, sahi catche hai, we are all going to be hi-tech. Go Digital! Be IT Savvy. You all must have read the news that the government has banned the import of laptops, mobiles, PCs.'

A smuggler yawns and says, 'Well? It is not known that there can be any news in this country except Manipur, Mewat, Seema and Anju.'

Another smuggler says, 'Where should we keep the general knowledge we are going to take the IAS exam now? Well, sometimes we watch those episodes of Sandeep Bhaiya for time pass but we have no idea about UPSC. We don't even have that much sense.'

The third smuggler began to laugh. 'Yes... yes... all those smart people have put laws like banning this laptop. What will happen to it? To benefit our Jamaat. Like what happened in gold with the Gold Control Act.'

The admin spoke again, 'Sahi catchte hai! The people of the country also have to become hi-tech, digital and IT savvy... But the government has banned the import of laptops, so now we will help the people. We will bring in shiploads of laptop PCs and make them available to the masses at cheap prices.'

A smuggler says, 'Boss, your speech sounds like the leader of the opposition. '

Admin says, 'Leave IT cell mentality. Not all opposition leaders are criminals and not all criminals are opposition leaders.'

Another smuggler says, 'Stop this man, don't bring politics into our smugglers.'

The third says, 'Smuggling has also entered the business of politics. What legal manipulation of MLAs do those people do?'

Suddenly everyone's screen went blank and the message started flashing. 'We are a government cyber agency. We have hacked this group. We have got all your ID-password and IP address. Now your people have no choice but to surrender to us.'

...and yet the ban on laptop imports has now been lifted.

Smile Index

Leave the foreign, adopt the indigenous. Leaders should also go abroad and stop playing drums, where do we need their praise!


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